Social Media Is Killing Your Future $100,000+ Paycheck!
Social media is stopping you from making that $100,000+ jump into a Cloud, Linux or Cybersecurity career!
Social media is stopping you from making that $100,000+ jump into a Cloud, Linux or Cybersecurity career!
When TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat or whatever other social media website starts sending you bi-weekly checks of $3k+ then you should care about what’s posted online! Until then…try this strategy I have used for years! — How to Become an IT Pro (DevOps, Cyber, Cloud)
Eliminate all time consuming distractions:
1. All social media should be removed from your mobile device for a set period of months (1, 3, 6, 12)…it’s up to you! Trust me…you will not die and life will go on just fine without you. You would be very surprised how noisy apps are and how many alerts go off non-stop all day long. How many times have we all gone down a rabbit hole for an hour or more after clicking on one video alert or opening one funny video someone sent us?!!!
1a. Netflix, Hulu, Peacock, YouTube, etc…should be used in moderation based upon the need to destress and relax, but keep in mind. If you can sit there binging shows, you could be working on what pays you $$$. Choose what works best for you. When I get in “All-In or nothing” mode, the TV rarely comes on for me.
2. Dedicate time daily to your goals. A minimum of one hour daily. Anything less than daily dedication, you will just forget, make excuses and leave a trail of half bitten apples called training all over the place.
3. Write it down! Write it down! WRITE…IT …D O W N!!! Retention is increased ten fold when you commit pen to physical paper and review information a minimum of three times and repeat the information physically out loud.
4. Make your support system aware of your goals and objectives so that they can support you.
5. If you can’t explain it to yourself…how do you think you will explain it to someone else (i.e. Interviews, on-the-job, consulting, etc)
6. Not everyone will support you or be your cheerleader. Some will even shoot you down and talk trash, say you can’t do it and all manner of negativity. Ignore them and push ahead anyway. You are your best motivator. Don’t wait for someone else to pat you on the back. Tell “yourself” your doing a good job and treat yourself when you accomplish something!
Chocolate Cake and some cold Milk is my reward!
Your life, your success, your change is in YOUR hands. Look to no one else if you are in a situation you don’t want to be in. When “we” become serious about change and goals, it will happen. You just have to choose if you are determined and hungry enough to achieve it. — How to Become an IT Pro (DevOps, Cyber, Cloud)
LinkedIn Article (Must Be Logged In) —